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Sugar gliders have a sweet tooth - their diet consists of flower nectar, acacia gum, eucalyptus sap and insects. Common to the forests of Asia and Australia, eucalyptus is a staple of sugar glider diets. One study of a Victorian population showed that individuals spent about 43% of their foraging time feeding on gum, 12% on eucalyptus sap and 28% on searching for invertebrates. Place one or more of the eucalyptus sticks in your pet's food dish or stick them between the bars of the cage, and your pet will lick and chew the sap from the branches.

  • Fresh cut Eucalyptus Branches, dried and packaged.
  • Excellent forage treat for your Sugar gliders or other small mammals.
  • Cut into 4 inch lengths and packaged approx. 2.29 oz. (65 g) per package.
  • Anywhere between 3-7 sticks per package (depending on the thickness of the branch, sold by weight rather than count)

Healthy treats have several benefits for both pets and pet owners. Treats can lend variety to an otherwise monotonous diet, provide good exercise for teeth and jaws, and add behavioral enrichment for animals that spend their lives in a small, limited environment. Most importantly, treats form a connection between pets and pet owners, assisting in bonding and training.

FEEDING RECOMMENDATION: This product is a treat and should be fed sparingly, it is not a substitute for a regular, balanced diet. Offer treats 2-3 times per week or as a small portion (less than 10%) of the main diet. Treats may lead to health issues like obesity when overfed. If your pet is not consuming its regular balanced diet, withhold serving treats until stable eating habits resume.

STORAGE: These branches are semi-dried to help stay preserved; they must be exposed to oxygen to prevent mold growth. DO NOT STORE AIRTIGHT. Best storage is in plastic bag with holes punctured through it.

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